Starting a Home Fellowship Group in Sofia
After a couple months getting to know the spiritual situation in Sofia, we have decided to start a weekly home fellowship.Our first meeting will be next Sunday with several couples who became Christian after the fall of communism, but have since left the church. This is a very common story here – America’s not the only place with a growing “dechurched” population!
Please pray that we would be able to reach people who have stepped away from the church and are questioning what they were taught about the faith. In addition to those couples, there will also be an interested unbeliever attending.
Book Translation
We recognize that a lack of Biblical resources in Bulgarian is a great hindrance for the church here. Nansi has selected the first book to begin translating, Disciple Essentials by Greg Ogden.
At first we will do a partial and informal translation for use in our discipleship group, but we are exploring a way to officially translate the book and make it available here in Bulgaria.
Ten Basic Facts About the NT Canon that Every Christian Should Memorize
This is a great resource of 10 short statements about the New Testament that are useful when discussing the historicity and formulation of the Bible that we hold in our hands today.
Since this is a pretty common area of attack against Christianity today, each fact links to a more in-depth post backing up the claim. I would highly encourage you to check out the link!
Thank you for your continued love and encouragement.
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